Tuesday, April 6, 2010

a brief history of tattoo designs

An intriguing medium with a limitless future, tattooing manages to be an art form as old as time and as modern as today. Tattoos have been found on the oldest preserved human remains, and today they adorn bodies in nearly every culture all over the world. From the 1940s through the 1970s tattooing was largely the territory of military and motorcycle subcultures. The familiar old sailor tattoo designs epitomize military tradition and the stereotyping of the men in service from all over the world who proudly adorn them. The 1980 brought a bit more progression and broader availability of high tech tattoo equipment.

Aah, and then came the 1990s and the beginning of the tattoo renaissance. The introduction of tattoo magazines, the widening outreach of the internet and an increase in the number of tattoo conventions got the public’s attention and brought this subculture into an ever widening arena.
The new players were mostly art school educated, and they started to push the boundaries. Japanese-style tattooing and various tribal patterns were soon commonplace tattoo designs within the tattoo scene.

The new information age awoke interest in both old and new styles of artwork to accommodate the bursting envelope of how to define body art.
And then just when you thought you had seen it all, along came portrait and photorealistic black and grey tattoo designs showcasing some of the art forms true potential. Large scale tattooing soon became common sight on an increasing number of individuals. And “individual” is not a term used loosely here.

The end of the 1990s saw no stone left unturned. Full body suits, mastery of technique, and a flood of equipment developments made tattooing very popular among a huge cross section of our population. The tattoo scene has exploded around us and its great to see the world wide embrace of what was once a small tight-knit misunderstood subculture.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

how to get from great tattoo ideas to killer tattoo designs

I’m so surprised to see how many people don’t make an educated decision when it comes to choosing a tattoo design. I guess that must be why tattoo removal is such a profitable business these days?

This is a great step-by-step plan to follow if you’re thinking about getting a tattoo and want it to turn out as good as it possibly can.
Here we go…

Step one: “find a purpose or a meaning for the tattoo”

Nothing wrong with getting a tattoo “just because it looks good”. But if you want a tattoo that you’ll be sure to feel proud of and love for the rest of your life, you’ll want it to have some kind of “deeper meaning”.
Notice that most people who have multiple tattoos will tell you that there is a story behind each and every one of their tattoos. Traditional Hawaiian tattoos are believed to guard the wearers’ health and spiritual wellbeing. It also makes the odds that you are going to love your tattoo when you’re old and wrinkly that much bigger.
For some reason it also makes the wearer seem more mysterious and interesting. I constantly have strangers approach me to find out more about my little beauties. Things do get a little trickier when you go and “meet the parents” though lol
So how do you find a meaning for a tattoo?
Ask yourself a couple of questions like:
Is there a special event or moment that you don’t ever want to forget? When I took my first solo flight I felt so exhilarated and I never wanted to forget that feeling, so I got some stunning edgy wings designed
Maybe you overcame some serious hardships or trials?
How about the name of someone special. Like you child. I honestly would refrain from getting a lover or a husband/wife name tattooed on because no matter how you feel now things might change.
Do you have any aspirations or goals?

Step two: Come up with an awesome idea

This can be a hard thing to do but try not to over think it. Once you know what you want your tattoo to represent, all you have to do is figure out what is going to symbolize that memory, value, event or whatever it is.
Its very unlikely that you will find that 100% perfect tattoo right from the get go. But that is where an awesome artist plays a huge role.

Let’s say you’re a member of our gallery…
Yes, we do have thousands of designs in our gallery, and it’s growing every month. Does that mean you’re going to find that perfect dream tattoo among them? Maybe.
I do however think it’s very possible for you to find a great tattoo design, or even two that can be combined and slightly modified.

Here are a few tips on what you can do that will hopefully get your ideas flowing:

Combine two tattoos into one
Add tattoo lettering to an existing design.
Ask your artist to modify or add something to a design
Find a photo of what you’re looking for and tell your artist to turn it into a tattoo. Some of the most beautiful tattoos I have seen are portrait designs.
If you can draw well enough come up with your own design and ask the professional to spruce it up.
You can also try and explain to the artist what you are looking for, this can only work if you are an effective communicator though

Step 3: Find a superior artist

This is the most important step. It could all go pear shape if you get this step wrong.

· Figure out whether you want a color tattoo or just the standard black and grey variety.Most artists specialize in a certain field.

· Ask yourself if you are willing to travel? This will narrow down your list

· It’s also a good idea to have a look at the artist’s previous work. Most of them will have brag photos in their portfolio for you to look at.

· A great place to find reputable artists is in tattoo mags. And if you are lucky enough there might even be a convention coming up in your area

· When visiting the studio for the first time, don’t be afraid to ask questions. You will find that most people love talking about how good they are. Things to look out for are the qualifications of the artist. Also check that the needles are clean!!!!

Next step is to book an appointment and presto .

Now I know this might seem like a lot of work but unless you want to go through costly tattoo removal procedures there is no divorce in tattoo.
Hope this piece was helpful.
do you have any hints and tips for getting that super tattoo design?

Monday, March 22, 2010

running out of tattoo ideas

At tattoo me now we understand that a tattoo is more than just a picture on our bodies. It’s an expression of individualism, an affirmation of the self, a story, a feeling and above all else a lifestyle. We also understand that tattoo designs are as diverse as the people who wear them.
At tattoo me now you will find that special tattoo design in an easy and fun manner. For example there are tribal tattoo designs, star tattoo designs, butterfly tattoo designs, portrait tattoo designs, fantasy tattoo designs, cross tattoo designs and much more. You will learn all you can about the different types of tattoo designs. The word tattoo originates from the Polynesian word “ta” “to strike something “and the Tahitian word “tatau” “to mark something” and dates back to as far as 5000 years ago!!!!!!!! 1000’s of members have found their dream tattoo with us. It’s your turn now!!!

· Gain access to 1000’s of stunning tattoo ideas, tattoo images, and tattoo flash all at your fingertips.
· Print out and bring to your favorite artist
· Combine two or more tattoo ideas into one
· Find a great studio in your area.
· Showcase your newest beauty after you had it done
· Stay up to speed with tattoo news, shows and events in your area

· Learn how to choose your first tattoo design.
· Swap tattoo ideas in the members forum
· Learn how to choose the right artist
· Learn about tattoo after care
· Meet like minded people